EFF Fighters before Malema's arrival in Tabanchu

Eff fighter rides a horse to escort Julius Malema into his rally on a horse and cart.

Julius Malema being escorted by EFF fighters on a horse drawn cart before his Rally in Tabanchu

EFF members try organise a crowd before Malema's arrival in Bethlehem Township.

Malema greets EFF supporters at a Rally in Bethlehem Township

Eff rally in Natal, the rally's were always more tense in Natal as Jacob Zuma the president of the Ruling ANC party is from Natal and Natal is an ANC stronghold with a history of political violence

EFF planned a rally at the University Of Natal and were met by a very unhappy and violent ANC Youth League who tried to stop and disrupt the rally

Police entering the university

National spokesperson of the EFF shouts at a police officer trying to seperate EFF and ANC members clashing in the university's hall Malema was meant to talk at.

Police in Riot gear had to be deployed to keep ANC Youth League from EFF rally at University Of Kwazulu Natal.

Julius Malema refusing to be outdone by ANC Youth League holds his rally on the stairs behind the hall as police keep Youth League at a distance.

EFF rally in Rural natal, this was previously IFP territory and is now an ANC stronghold.

Children cheer and chase Malema's car as he leaves a rally in Rural Natal

Malema focuses his rallys on the poorest of the poor in South Africa suggesting a socialist movement in order to improve thier quality of life.

ANC supporters fight over free t shirts being handed out before Julius Malema talks at Natals techinical college.

Student supporting EFF watches closely as Malema addresses students in a lecture hall at natal technical college.

A homeless man kneels outside the tent Malema speaks at in one of Natal's many informal settlements.

An ANC member stands defiantly on rubble spray painted with EFF support during an EFF rally